Pawpaw loves Bryson, Connor, and Archer!
Seeing The
When I was a child and until I was married,
I sometimes had visions of future events. It was never anything life-changing
or history-making. It was just minor events of no importance that I ever
I asked my Mom about it and she told me that
she and her Mother, my Grandma McWilliams, also had these visions. (Years
later, when I was a father myself, your Mom came to me and asked me about them
because she was having the visions herself.)
This is how it would happen: I would be
doing normal things and going about my normal day when I would feel chills
across my body. My skin would get goose-bumps. Suddenly, I would begin to see a
full-color movie in my mind. I would see events happening as if I was seeing it
through my eyes. But – it was something that had not happened yet.
For instance, one day I got that special
chill feeling and had a vision of myself running down
Months later, our town held its parade. My
sister Susie was walking in the parade. For some reason, my parents could not
attend. It was most likely a health issue. So, they sent me to take their new
camera to the parade route and take some photos of my little sister. I did.
Then, I began to jog down
This kind of vision of future events
happened to me quite often in my childhood and teen years. For some reason, the
visions stopped when I was in my twenties. As I said earlier, my Mom told me
that both she and her Mom had the same visions. And my own daughter Steffany
had them in her childhood.
I write this in the hope that anyone reading this who may also have similar dreams may find peace and know that you are not alone. There are many of us who have experienced the supernatural. I don’t know how or why these visions happened. I don’t know why I couldn’t control them or use them for anything important. I don’t know why they stopped happening when I was in my twenties. I just know that at least four generations of my family experienced them.
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