Friday, April 13, 2012

Steven Skelley - Author

Author / photographer Thomas Routzong was diagnosed with cancer in 1996 and given only a 30% chance of survival. His wife lost her battle with cancer soon after. Thomas survived and vowed not to waste even a minute of the rest his life. After working on the Apollo 11 space program and serving his community for 30 years as an educator, he began traveling the world, writing, and photographing its beauty.

Author / photographer Steven Skelley battled his own life-threatening illness after being exposed to toxic mold but survived with a desire to encourage others through his writing, photography and music. Skelley has not allowed his physical disabilities to stop him from experiencing and sharing all that life has to offer.

Routzong and Skelley partnered together to author:

  • Positive Reflections: Inspiring Thoughts & Photographs From Around The World
  • the best of Hometown Heroes florida
  • Every Day Is Mothers Day

These books are available at

Steven Skelley and his daughter Steffany Skelley Gilmer coauthored the novella The Gargoyle Scrolls.

It is available at

Watch The Gargoyle Scrolls commercial on YouTube.

Routzong and Skelley help people document the stories of their lives and families. Forget Me Not.

What people say about Skelley's books:

"They are great!" U.S. Senator Bill Nelson

"Robin has received Positive Reflections…and they have truly lifted her spirits. She wants you to know that you are in her thoughts and prayers." Ayana Smith - personal assistant of Robin Roberts / Good Morning America

"As a cancer survivor, I truly believe in living every day to the fullest and doing the things that make us happy. This book helps remind me to do that." Catherine Schweinsberg / Brevard County Library Services Director

"What a joy to find your simply splendid publication.It is wonderfully well done." Hazel Haley / Lakeland, FL

"I wish you great success with the book -- you deserve it!" Patrick D. Smith / Nobel and Pulitzer nominated author

"This book grabbed me from the very beginning, and I just couldn't put it down! It's a thought provoking, well written story...with the theme centered around the history of gargoyles, which I have always found intriguing! There is a lesson for all of us in this book, but you'll have to read it to find yours! Enjoy!" Ginger F. / Naples, FL

"The authors tell remarkable stories." Gary Roen / Midwest Book Review

Steven Skelley is a published author of several nonfiction works and the novella The Gargoyle Scrolls. He has been a newspaper columnist, travel writer, news writer, ordained minister, music director, creative arts director, theater reviewer and tennis instructor.

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