Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Gargoyle Scrolls

The Gargoyle Scrolls
by Steven Skelley & Steffany Skelley

After the massacre of the gargoyles at Molotopon, their very existence passed from history to legend to folk tale and the peaceful race of gargoyles eventually became nothing more than monsters in fairy tales and statues on cathedrals. GrameeBull alone guards the sacred scrolls of Simipar that chronicle the deeds, both good and evil, of his now-forgotten race. But now someone or something is searching for the scrolls and the unlimited power that is hidden within them.

"The Gargoyle Scrolls is probably not what you might think at first glance. Though it has fantasy elements, it is set in today's society, not a fantasy world. Many societies throughout history have winged creatures in their legends, mythology or religions. What if we found out today that those tales were true and there were other intelligent creatures inhabiting our planet? How would it affect human society? Would someone be willing to kill to keep that information buried?" Steven said.

"After the massacre of the gargoyles at Molotopon, their very existence passed from history to legend to folk tale and the peaceful race of gargoyles eventually became nothing more than monsters in fairy tales and statues on cathedrals. GrameeBull alone guards the sacred scrolls of Simipar that chronicle the deeds, both good and evil, of his now-forgotten race. But now someone or something is searching for the scrolls and the unlimited power that is hidden within them," Steffany said explaining the books storyline.

Click here to view The Gargoyle Scrolls youtube commercial.

Click here to order The Gargoyle Scrolls on

Steven Skelley is a published author of several nonfiction works and the novella The Gargoyle Scrolls. He has been a newspaper columnist, travel writer, news writer, ordained minister, music director, creative arts director, theater reviewer and tennis instructor.

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