Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dangers of Mold Exposure

THE DANGERS OF MOLD - In 2006, Steven Skelley was exposed to mold in his workplace and began a lifelong health crises involving OSHA, more than a dozen medical specialists and two hospitals including world renowned Shands Hospital at the University of Florida in Gainesville. It led to a cover-up by his employer. The following information is meant to help others through similar crises.


In June 2006, I was an athletic, healthy, employed male until a tropical storm knocked out the a/c unit near my office at my church employer First United Methodist Church in Homosassa, FL.

I unlocked the church and came in that morning to find my office and hallway flooded. There was a strong moldy/mildew smell that was remarked about by myself and the maintenance employee who arrived soon after me.

I reported the moldy stench to my supervisor when he arrived later. My employer's inadequate response was to place a fan in my office and then sprinkle "carpet fresh" on the mildewed carpet.

The stench did not go away. It got worse.

Within a day, the mold stench made my sinuses burn, my voice hoarse, my throat congested and I began to cough violently.

Several people, including the office manager, commented on how my voice was now sounding gravelly and how the mildew stench seemed to be negatively affecting me.

The stench continued for several weeks until my employer eventually hired a mold specialist to remove the carpet and clean my office at a cost of $4000 but I continued to have ever-increasing health issues while in the building.

I searched the building and found multiple sites of water damage and mold growth on the walls and ceilings.

A leaky roof seemed to be the culprit for these other mold sites.

The church had volunteers repair the roof shingles but did nothing about the mold inside the facility.

I continued to get sicker and sicker, weaker and weaker.

I pointed out the mold sites to my employer - some of them were 4 to 5 feet across!

I took photos of the water damage and mold. I verified nearly half a dozen black mold sites still present.

As my breathing issues continued to worsen, I was seen and treated by my family physician, an allergist, and ear /nose/throat specialist, an emergency care facility and a pulmonary specialist.

My face began swelling from the increasingly stronger and stronger prednisone and antibiotic treatments.

I spent nearly $10,000 out of my own pocket in prescription co-pays.

I asked the my church employer to assist me with the medical costs since it all began with the water damage and mold exposure. Their committee held a meeting to discuss my request. They refused to pay for any of my medical care or $10,000+ prescription costs.

By March 2007, my pulmonologist - Dr Balakrishnan - had treated me with almost monthly, large oral doses of prednisone and antibiotics. When this wasn't affecting my breathing positively enough, he began injecting me with even stronger levels of prednisone.

Finally, Dr Balakrishnan told me that he had reached the limit of what he could do outside a hospital. He wanted me to leave his office and go to the local hospital immediately.

That day, I was admitted to Citrus Memorial Hospital where I would spend the next 6 days fighting to breathe, experiencing excessive swelling, battling 100 plus degree fevers and suffering intense all-day headaches.

Since Dr Balakrishnan and Citrus Memorial Hospital did not seem to be making any progress toward recovery and I felt that I was getting weaker, I took the advice of a church leader / committee member and checked myself out of Citrus Memorial and had my wife drive me to Shands Hospital at the University of Florida in Gainesville where I was immediately admitted.

A doctor told my wife that if I had not come in that day, I may not have lived.

I would spend the next 8 days in Intensive Care as a team of specialists battled to save my life.

I did live - thanks to the wonderfully skilled specialists at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida.  Special thanks are due to Pulmonary Specialist Dr Foster who led a team of nearly 2 dozen physicians overseeing my care.

( Letter from Dr Foster: Sick Building Syndrome/Dangerous to Skelley's health) "His symptoms are related to sick building syndrome from exposure to the air in the office building at First United Methodist Church. The diagnosis of sick building syndrome is made by recurrence of symptoms on exposure to same room or building. I was adamant with him that he should not enter that building or office area to prevent further lung damage."

After being admitted for 14 consecutive days of life-saving treatment in 2 hospitals, I was too weak to even walk across a room or get out of a chair by myself.

The mold exposure had led to several other issues including a lower immune system. I now had thrush, rashes and mononucleosis as well.

My liver was testing at a lethal ferritin level (14,000). A normal level is 300. One Shands specialist worried that this exceedingly high level could lead to Hemachromatosis and permanent liver damage. Doctors scheduled a liver biopsy.

I used an oxygen hose to breathe and even then could not draw a full breath.

My employer, the senior minister at First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, drove with my daughter to Gainesville to visit me at Shands Hospital. He would later testify that he didn't remember EVER seeing me sick - a ridiculous and totally dishonest claim to say the least. He drove 1.5 hours in a car with my own daughter to visit me, sat at my hospital beside with tears in his eyes and then claimed he never "saw" me sick! Quite a representative of God, eh?

I would spend months recovering my strength and battling breathing-crises relapses, light sensitivity, thrush, mononucleosis, hives and many other debilitating issues.

I would spend years with chronic breathing issues. They continue today.

I have been prescribed a home nebulizer machine to administer Albuterol treatments when I experience an attack and take a daily prescription for people with chronic breathing issues..

In April 2007, an A/C company named Air Flow informed the church in writing that they had found more mold in the building. This report was discussed and published by church leaders in the April 2007 Homosassa First United Methodist Church Council meeting.

When I contacted the church about the published mold report, the senior pastor called Air Flow "liars" who were trying to make money.

I asked - if they were liars - why did the church have a service contract with them? I expressed my fears by phone and in writing that more mold present at my workplace could harm me even further.

(Just one site of mold. There were many! The darkest spots are black mold. This site was approximately 5 feet across.)

In May 2007 the church reacted by hiring a “mold specialist” - suspiciously from just around the corner - to inspect the building for mold. They emailed me that the mold specialist said his "nose told him" there was no mold in the building.


At the advice of a friend who had contacted a relative who is a Dr. at the Center For Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta about my health crises, I had a mold test performed by a professional lab named IMS Laboratory.

The IMS Laboratory result was TNTC: mold level. 


I presented the TNTC mold finding from IMS Labs to my employer.

The senior pastor of the church called IMS Laboratory "liars."

Just to recap, when presented with evidence of mold from two professional testing companies, Rev. Whittaker called them both "liars."

My employer refused to accept any responsibility for the mold in the facility.

Their tactic was to hide my exposure and lie whenever necessary.

(OSHA Citation: MOLD PRESENT/UNCLEAN WORK ENVIRONMENT) "Employees are having breathing difficulties, sinus problems and coughing caused by poor indoor air quality, mold and mildew. A citation was issued for mold and water stains present..."

Even after they attempted to cover up the moldy conditions that nearly killed me, OSHA found evidence of mold in the building and issued them a citation for mold and an unclean work environment. "Employees are having breathing difficulties, sinus problems and coughing caused by poor indoor air quality, mold and mildew. A citation was issued for mold and water stains present..."

As I stated earlier, in addition to the OSHA citation, I also had numerous photos documenting the mold in the buildings as well as letters from a nationally recognized pulmonary specialist at one of the nation's most well respected hospitals.

(Shands Hospital Pulmonary Specialist Dr. Foster wrote a letter to my employer explaining how “sick building syndrome” had nearly killed me. She stated emphatically that returning to that facility could cause further lung damage. She did not have an issue with my working in another building on the same property and stated so. "His symptoms are related to sick building syndrome from exposure to the air in the office building at First United Methodist Church. The diagnosis of sick building syndrome is made by recurrence of symptoms on exposure to same room or building. I was adamant with him that he should not enter that building or office area to prevent further lung damage.")

The senior pastor of the church (my employer) phoned Dr. Foster to bully her into changing her findings.   Dr. Foster told me about their phone conversation during a treatment visit.

I returned to work in another building in a temporary office - staying away from the building which still had mold sites. I was still performing my job functions - the same ones for which I had earned an "excellent" performance review just weeks before my mold exposure.

The church Human Resources Committee chairperson walked up to my daughter and I one morning after services. He smiled as he informed me that the church had enlisted the help of the denomination's staff attorney in Lakeland to advise them on how to combat my illness claim.

He said, "It's nothing personal."

I disagree. It is very personal to have people lie and sacrifice your health in order to protect their budget. It is very personal when your life is considered less important than a multi-million dollar church's bank account balance.

I was soon called to a meeting of church committee members where the senior pastor denied ever seeing me sick or visiting me in the hospital (in spite of the fact he had traveled over an hour to Shands Hospital in the same car with my daughter).

He suspiciously had a cassette recorder sitting under his chair recording our meeting and his denial comments. I could see the tape recorder and actually saw him reach down to turn it on to the record setting.

A church committee chairperson made a statement (obviously for the hidden recorder) that there was never any evidence of mold in any of the buildings.

In response to their ridiculous and staged comments, I pointed out:
  • the OSHA investigation and citation
  • my photographs of mold sites all over the facility
  • the TNTC Mold Lab finding (too-numerous-to-count mold level)
  • the AirFlow report finding more mold that was discussed and entered into church council minutes
  • Dr Foster's life-saving treatment and letter documenting sick building syndrome
  • my 14 day hospitalization in 2 hospitals
  • the fact that they had spent over $4000 trying to remove / hide the mold after the initial flooding and exposure
I asked "If there was no mold, why did you spend $4000 removing it from my office? Why did OSHA cite you for mold present and an unsafe work environment?"
Since my recent employment performance review prior to my hospitalization was all excellent ratings, I offered to keep doing my excellent work from my temporary office in the main sanctuary building.

My employer responded by asking if I could meet at lunch time. I thought we were going to go to lunch together. 

When the senior pastor and Staff Parish Relations Committee chairperson arrived at my temporary office, they handed me a termination letter stating that Dr. Foster's letter validating my health crises due to mold in the church as their reason for my termination. 

They had planned their ambush well.

"We are in receipt of a letter from Dr Runi A. Foster...your employment with the Church is terminated effective immediately."

(Termination letter)

In spite of being an employee with a recent excellent performance review, my church employer fired me in the midst of the worst health crises of my life, lied about ever seeing me sick, lied about visiting me in Shands Hospital, lied about the OSHA citation, lied about the presence of mold in my office building, and took away the income and the health insurance that kept me under doctor's treatment during my nearly fatal health crises.

They risked my life to save themselves a few bucks and so they could go happily along their way doing "God's work!"

Months later, in the midst of my divorce, the senior minister from this church asked and received permission to speak at my divorce hearing! He stated under oath the lies that 1) there never was any mold in my workplace 2) there was never an OSHA citation 3) I was not fired, but left my employment willingly.

This minister of God committed perjury.

Essentially, the minister called Citrus Memorial Hospital, Shands Hospital at the University of Florida, Dr. Foster, the entire team of Shands Hospital at the University of Florida specialists, OSHA, IMS Laboratory, AIRFlow and myself liars.

In spite of all the medical and OSHA documentation, he offered the judge his word that there was no mold exposure and that I did not have a health crises due to it..

Unbelievably, a local judge wrote IN MY DIVORCE DECREE that she believed the minister - that my 14 day hospitalization recorded in two hospitals never happened, that there never was a mold exposure, that the OSHA citation that she had in her possession didn't exist, that I had not been terminated, and that the Dr. Foster letter verifying sick-building-syndrome that the she had in her possession didn't exist.

This is what the judge decreed, "IN THE CURCUIT COURT FIFTH JUDICIAL COURT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR CITRUS COUNTY. The Husband made much of his having to work in a "sick building" which caused him serious health complications. Mark Whitaker, pastor of First United Methodist Church of Homossassa, where the Husband was employed, testified. After the building was flooded, remedial repairs costing thousands of dollars were immediately affected. Further, the Husband's testimony in previous hearing concerning OSHA having corroborated his complaints was contradicted by Whittaker's testimony...No OSHA fines or citations were ever issued against the church. The Court finds Pastor Whittaker's testimony...bring into question the Husband's veracity on this point."

Let me once again point out the OSHA Citation that you can view for yourself and that I have copied into this blog and that the judge held in her own hands that reads MOLD PRESENT/UNCLEAN WORK ENVIRONMENT "Employees are having breathing difficulties, sinus problems and coughing caused by poor indoor air quality, mold and mildew. A citation was issued for mold and water stains present..." 

The judge - in essence - said that Citrus Memorial Hospital, Shands Hospital at the University of Florida, Dr. Foster, the entire team of Shands Hospital at the University of Florida specialists, OSHA, IMS Laboratory, AIRFlow and myself had all documented something that had never happened!

Ask yourself why the judge unbelievably chose to believe the deceitful minister with no proof whatsoever over believing unquestionable facts, unquestionable documents, an entire team of respected medical professionals at one of the most respected medical institutions in the USA and government health professionals whose sole job is to identify health dangers!

Ask yourself why the judge allowed a local minister to speak at a divorce hearing that had nothing to do with him.

Ask yourself if this was simply a backdoor way to put into public record a financial "protection" for a local church at the expense of a man who nearly died because of what happened at that church and whose health crises was clearly documented by OSHA and dozens of specialists.

Why else would a former employer be allowed to speak at a divorce hearing he had nothing to do with and to speak about an issue clearly outside the scope of the divorce?

Why else would the undeniable documentation of so many professionals be tossed aside for the unsupported claims of a minister with a clear motive to protect his organization's finances?

Why would a judge decree that Citrus Memorial Hospital, Shands Hospital at the University of Florida, Dr. Foster, the entire team of Shands Hospital at the University of Florida specialists, OSHA, IMS Laboratory, AIRFlow and myself had never documented something when she had all the documentation IN HER HANDS - documentation that has been published in this very blog?

In conclusion:

Exposure to mold, mildew or other toxic agents can steal your health and lead to cover-ups at every level from those who may be otherwise held responsible and by those who protect them. 

Be wary.

If you are exposed to mold in your work environment, seek immediate treatment from a medical specialist. It is a life-threatening issue! Dr Foster and that team of specialists at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida saved my life.


Do not trust your employer to care about your life…even if your employer is a church. 

Do not trust our judicial system or its representatives to behave honestly or in the best interests of the victim. 

Protect yourself medically and legally.

The mold may be the least insidious of your challenges.

Steven Skelley is a published author of several nonfiction works and the novella The Gargoyle Scrolls. He has been a newspaper columnist, travel writer, news writer, ordained minister, music director, creative arts director, theater reviewer and tennis instructor.

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