Sunday, August 10, 2008

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Who is Steven Skelley?

Musician, author and photographer Steven Skelley has been a columnist for nine newspapers, a writer for numerous magazines and a staff features writer for a news service.

Steven's mother and both sisters all passed away before reaching age 50. At age 44, Steven battled his own life-threatening illness but survived with a desire to encourage others through his writing, photography and music.

Though he is legally disabled, he chooses to focus on the joys of family, friends, the beauty of the world around him and the desire that all people deserve equal rights and respect.

He is the co-author of three nonfiction books (so far) with his partner Thomas Routzong

He is the co-author of a fantasy novel with his daughter Steffany Skelley
Steven Skelley has written and recorded music that has received national and international radio and television air play and he has performed on stage with Grammy Award winners and nominees.

Steven Skelley has released a single of his song Thank You God For Making Moms which received over 98,000 views on youtube.

The song was written about Steven Skelley's mother Sherill and his daughter Steffany Joy. "I was born in Canton, Ohio in 1963 to Sherill May McWilliams Skelley. She taught me the amazing value of hugs and smiles and laughter. Mom’s mom, Virginia Margaret Wheatley McWilliams was her best friend as well as instigator and partner in their many silly and fun adventures. They modeled for me how great family can be. I hope my daughter and I carry on their legacy of love, friendship and shared adventure," Skelley said.

Thank You God For Making Moms is available as an MP3 download at

Steven Skelley is a published author of several nonfiction works and the novella The Gargoyle Scrolls. He has been a newspaper columnist, travel writer, news writer, ordained minister, music director, creative arts director, theater reviewer and tennis instructor.

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