Sunday, December 24, 2023



Pawpaw loves Connor, Bryson and Archer!

It is Christmas Eve 2023. I have been thinking about you boys for weeks. I texted your Mom to ask if I could send Christmas gifts but she didn't reply. I try to imagine what you look like now. I wonder how much you've grown and changed. Before bed at night, I picture you boys in my mind and send you loving thoughts that Pawpaw loves you. 

Someone told me that your Grandma J is visiting you now. I am banned from seeing you and your parents and have been for the last several years. Before your Mom and Dad married, they were angry at your Grandma and they banned her. She wasn't allowed to attend their wedding. She wasn't allowed to attend your births. I was. I think she was finally allowed back in the family when Connor was 6. Then, when Connor was 8, my husband Tom and I were banned from the family and have been ever since.

I miss you every day. I look at old photos I have of you and sometimes kiss them hoping you feel my love.


I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. 

If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw

Friday, December 15, 2023

Steven and Tom review the hilarious musical MEAN GIRLS

 Steven and Tom review the hilarious musical MEAN GIRLS 

by Steven Skelley and Thomas Routzong

It has been nineteen years (OMG) since Tina Fey's brilliant comedy movie about the perils of high school where the apex predator students either grant you a merciful and pitiful glance or viciously tear you apart for the sin of not being them. We loved the film MEAN GIRLS and now we love the MEAN GIRLS musical on stage! 
For those of us not as cool as The Plastics, high school is a dangerous place where offending the queen of mean Regina George (Maya Petropoulos) means immediate and complete social suicide because Regina enjoys nothing more than ripping classmates to shreds with insults. 

Homeschooled Cady Heron (Natalie Shaw) has just transferred to North Shore High School after having grown up in Africa where she enjoyed the starry skies while learning the hard truths of predators and prey. Innocent, friendly and practically a genius, Cady quickly finds herself a social misfit in every way. When Cady realizes that her knowledge of Africa's predators and prey has provided her with all the tools necessary to conquer the school's Apex Predator Regina George, she sets out to topple the teenage hierarchy and win the hand of Regina's sometimes ex-boyfriend Aaron (Joseph Torres). With the secret help of new friends Too Gay To Function Damian (Ethan Jih-Cook) and accused lesbian / artist Janis (Alexyx Morera), Cady formulates her plan which, of course, backfires spectacularly.

Tina Fey is a brilliant writer - nine Emmy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, five Screen Actors Guild Awards, seven Writers Guild Awards, as well as Grammy Award and Tony Award nominations. Her insightful dry wit makes us laugh more than just about anyone else. For Broadway and touring stage productions, Fey partnered with a dream team of composer Jeff Richmond, lyricist Nell Benjamin (Legally Blonde) and choreographer Casey Nicholaw (The Book of Mormon). With minimal props to make us completely focus on the storyline, lyrics, music and choreography, we found ourselves reliving the hormone horrors of our own high school years. 

Whether you were a Plastic, a Mathlete, a Jock, a Mascot, too gay to function, an accused lesbian, an alien with four butts, or any of the other crazy made up words of high school, the MEAN GIRLS musical on stage will have you sometimes laughing, sometimes wincing but definitely cheering by the end.

See MEAN GIRLS on December 11 and 12 at
3865 North Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32935

See MEAN GIRLS info, cast and tour dates at

Monday, December 11, 2023



I was two years old when the 1965 animated television special A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS first aired. I have watched it every year since. It has become a holiday tradition. Seeing A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS LIVE ON STAGE today had us anticipating every iconic line of dialogue, laughing at Snoopy's crazy antics and feeling the holiday spirit as we heard the wonderful giggles of all the children in the audience. 

A CHARLIE BROWN CHRIST 1965 animated television special was based on the comic strip PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz and featuring the hypnotic beautiful musical creations of Vince Guaraldi.   This spectacular new touring production, A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS LIVE ON STAGE, is based on Charles M. Schulz’s timeless story and features the music of Vince Guaraldi but it also adds joyful choreography and a mixture of familiar and new music. We loved it all.

Ethan Davenport's Charlie Brown is everything we want Charlie to be. We laughed at every frustrated Good Grief! and Rats! Children in the audience yelled out Snoopy! every time Alex Polzun danced and flipped and galloped across the stage with his Snoopy ears flopping every which way. The whole cast seemed to be enjoying every moment onstage.

While everyone seems to have lost the true meaning of the holiday, Linus bravely stands center stage, commands the spotlight and shares the message we all probably know by heart now. "Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.' That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.'

As Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, and the whole Peanuts gang gather around the little tree that  just needs a little love, they sing a collection of songs everyone will love to sing along with.

A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS LIVE ON STAGE offers the timeless animated special message delivered on stage by a delightful cast in a new and yet familiar way.

Broadway At The King Center is a fabulous asset to Maxwell C. King Center for the Performing Arts and to the residents of the Florida Space Coast. For upcoming shows, visit

For more information about A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS LIVE ON STAGE, visit or

Photos courtesy of 

Sunday, November 19, 2023


 Hi guys, Pawpaw loves you!

   It has been difficult for me to write to you lately. I miss you so much that it's painful to think about you and to wonder what you are doing. I I texted your Mom and Dad but they didn't reply again.

  Do you have any memories of Frank? Connor and Bryson, you named a gopher tortoise Frank. He was on the vacant lot beside your house that I loaned your parents the money to buy. You named him after one of my best friends named Frank. Frank and his spouse Curt were my best friends. They loved you guys. You swam in their swimming pool when you visited me and Tom. Your Mom did too. They lived in a huge 6 bedroom mansion on a nature preserve. Curt and Frank bought you guys birthday and Christmas gifts every year.

   Frank was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. He battled it courageously but he passed away on October 17, 2023. Curt and I had been with him every day while he was in Intensive Care. We were there for 12 hours on Frank's final day until he passed on. I texted your Mom and Dad because they used to appreciate Frank too. He and Curt gave your family the beautiful green sofa you had until the hurricane damaged your home. Tom and I have bought you guys the love seat and two recliners.

   Anyway, this fabulous, loving family friend passed away. I was emotionally devastated. Then, I had promised Frank that I would take care of his spouse Curt. Curt stayed in our guest room for 8 days before returning home. He is still broken hearted. Then, when I thought of how much I missed you guys, it was very hard to cope.

   I don't know how I will handle Thanksgiving and Christmas again without you. I spent every holiday with your Mom since 1984. Then I spent every wonderful holiday with you guys since 2012. It is hard without you. Tom and I still put up our 1300 Santa Claus decorations and host holiday parties but without you guys, it isn't the same.

   As a minister, I was asked to officiate Frank's funeral. Here's what I shared that day.

Frank Peter Ioele went to his heavenly reward on October 17, 2023 after a courageous two year battle with cancer.

Frank was born in New York to proud parents Anna and Vincent (known to friends and family as Jim) Ioele. Frank is survived by the love of his life and partner of thirty years Curtis Solash, his siblings Joseph Ioele and Camille Cicero, five nephews and nieces including Lisa who is with us today, and a son-in-love Richard Solash whom he helped his partner Curtis Solash raise from childhood.

Frank taught hundreds of students in New York City Schools for thirty years. I hope that you take a moment or two and watch Frank's slideshow of photos. There is a wonderful picture of Frank with his students. His face is just beaming with love and joy. It will warm your heart to see Frank in his element.

Frank was a lifelong opera lover who never missed the New York Metropolitan Opera broadcast on Saturdays. He collected over three thousand early music recordings, opera memorabilia, Titanic memorabilia and World's Fair memorabilia. Frank and Curtis created a beautiful home together that should be the envy of many a museum.

Frank gave faithfully and generously to children's charities and financially adopted underprivileged children through children's charities. Those here of the Christian faith will remember a lesson Jesus taught about how God speaks to people like Frank Ioele when they pass from this life to the next. It goes something like this:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was imprisoned and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of your brothers and sisters on earth, you did for me. Come, take your place the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.

Frank was not a spiritual man only in name. Frank was not a Roman Catholic only in name. Frank was not a Christian only in name. He lived his beliefs. He searched the world for children in need and he adopted them and cared for them.

Frank was an animal lover who donated monthly to animal charities. The Hebrew Book of Proverbs says, “The righteous care for the needs of animals, but the wicked are cruel to them.” Kindness to animals is godly. In fact, caring for them is part of our purpose. Frank and Curtis's home sits at the shore of a lagoon and at the edge of a wildlife preserve. A wildlife trail literally runs through their yard. Frank loved sitting with Curt and exclaiming, "Look! A bobcat!" Or a "Look a deer!" Or "Look an otter!" as these wild animals felt safe enough to pass by these two animals lovers. I hope you've had a chance to see the photo here of Frank hugging a dolphin. THAT is the Frank Ioele that I will always keep in my heart. His love shines brightly from that twinkle in his eyes and that beaming, joyous smile.

Frank was a lifelong Roman Catholic and a member of St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church in Viera, Florida where he taught Sunday School for many years. Frank WAS a lifelong Roman Catholic but he befriended and loved people of all spiritual paths. Frank's beloved spouse Curtis was raised in the Hebrew faith. My husband and I spent almost every birthday and holiday with Curtis and Frank. We vacationed together. We sailed the oceans together. We climbed Mayan temples together. Frank and I were best friends and I am an ordained Baptist minister. My husband was a Unity Church Board member. Some of Frank's friends were raised Methodist and Pentecostal and other beliefs.

Let me remind you again about how God speaks to people like Frank Ioele when they pass from this life to the next:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was imprisoned and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of your brothers and sisters on earth, you did for me.

You see, this is important, Frank believed it where the Bible says, "In God's house there are many rooms." Another translation says "In God's house there is room to spare." The year 1611 English translation says "In God's house there are many mansions." My favorite translation is "In God's house there is room for everyone."

Roman Catholic or Hebrew or Baptist or Unity Church or Methodist or Pentecostal. Frank believed that "In God's house there is room for everyone." He not only believed it, he lived it.

I ask you now to please take a look at the framed photo here of a child rising up out of a wheelchair. This is important. In 1988, little Matthew Stanford Robison was born. He was afflicted with cerebral palsey. Doctors told Matthew's Mom and Dad that Matthew would never live past the age of two and the life he did live, would be spent in a wheelchair. Matthew lived to two, then three, then four, five, six and all the way to ten. At the age of ten, he transitioned from this life to the next. Matthew and his parents believed as Frank and I do, that we are created in the image of God. God is a spirit. We are spiritual beings - temporarily inside a body of flesh and bone while here on planet earth.

Matthew's parents wanted a tombstone that would remind us of what happened when little Matthew's body stopped working. Matthew's Spirit was released from the broken body that it had always been trapped in. The real Matthew, the spiritual Matthew was able to leap free - full of joy and perfect health - to rise and go to a place where there are never any tears, never any pain ever again.

Our dear Frank Peter Ioele courageously battled cancer and the effects of chemotherapy for two years. We all saw this powerful, six foot two big man's body shrink week by week. Curtis phoned me on Monday, October 16 and asked me to meet him at the hospital right away. For the next twelve hours, Curt sat on Frank's right and I sat on Frank's left. A Roman Catholic priest visited Frank and administered Last rites according to Frank’s faith.

Curt held one of Frank's hands and I held the other. We told Frank what an amazing man he was. We told Frank that he was loved. We caressed his hands and his head. We kissed his hands, his head, his cheeks. We whispered words of love in his ears.

Early Tuesday morning, the earthly body of Frank Peter Ioele stopped working. Once more, I ask you to take a look at the framed photo of little Matthew Stanford Robison - because that is exactly what happened to our beloved Frank Peter Ioele.

At the very moment Frank’s body stopped working, Frank's Spirit was released from the broken body that it had been trapped in for two years. The real Frank, the spiritual Frank was able to leap free - full of joy and perfect health - to rise and go to a place where there are never any tears, never any pain ever again.

Frank Ioele's loving heart, welcoming manner and heart-warming smile will be missed by all whose lives he touched. Frank believed it where the Bible says, "In God's house there is room for everyone." So we can be grateful that this is not goodbye. It's just another see you later, dear Frank.

See You Later
by Steven Skelley
Sometimes I would cry
When we said goodbye
Then Grandma would wisely smile
She would hug me tight
Squeeze with all her might
And say, it’s only for a while
We will never really part
I'll always be in your heart
Feel my love and stand a little straighter
Even if you cry
This is not goodbye
It's just another see you later
One Christmas day
Grandpa slipped away
To someplace on heaven's shore
That Christmas brought no joy
Through Christmas songs or toys
But Grandma reminded us once more
We will never really part
He will always be in your heart
Feel his love and stand a little straighter
Even if you cry
This is not goodbye
It's just another see you later
Grandma lived 80 years
Days of joy, days of tears
Facing each day with a smile
On her very last day
We kissed her peaceful face
And cried for a little while
We will never really part
She'll always be in our heart
Feel her love and stand a little straighter
Even if you cry
This is not goodbye
It's just another see you later
copyright 2019 Steven Skelley

May you be held by the God of compassion as you remember your loved one today.

May God be with you in your sorrow and comfort you in your loss.

May your God, your family and your friends, give you strength.

May your spirit be lifted, may your heart be filled with peace, and may the light of God’s promises fill you hope.

I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw


Friday, September 22, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 79 - My Favorite T-Shirts Are Gathering Dust


I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 78 - Bryson 8th birthday message

PAWPAW'S  MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 78 - Bryson 8th birthday message

I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw

Thursday, August 10, 2023



I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw

Sunday, July 30, 2023



I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. I spent at least a week every month with you until your parents ended our relationship. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 75 - baby Connor dancing



This is my little buddy, baby Connor with happy feet. You loved to dance!

I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. I spent at least a week every month with you until your parents ended our relationship. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw




I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. I spent at least a week every month with you until your parents ended our relationship. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you.. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw

Pawpaw loves Connor!

Pawpaw loves Bryson!

Pawpaw loves Archer!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 73 - Happy 11th Birthday Connor!

PAWPAW'S  MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 73 - Happy 11th Birthday Connor!

To my beloved grandson Connor Rudolph. Today is your eleventh birthday. Happy Birthday my sweet buddy-pal. I wish I was there to give you and big hug and a kiss. Of course, I'd have some wonderful gifts for you too. I delight in buying you whatever your heart desires.

It breaks my heart that I'm not allowed to see you or talk with you. Please know that I did not leave or abandon you. When your parents joined that church in Englewood, everything changed. They disowned me and my husband Tom. They disowned all of our mutual friends and even our family members. We are all heartbroken to have lost you all. I am heartbroken. I texted your Mom to ask if I could send gifts this year but she refused to answer me again. It's been three years since I have held you in my arms, since we have played together on the trampoline, since we have played games and toys together.

I've been thinking about you for days as your birthday drew nearer. When you were allowed and were younger, you would call me on the phone. Sometimes you called 10 times a day. I loved talking with you. I have some phone messages that you left me on voicemail. I recorded them and listen to them just top hear your voice.

I hope I live long enough to see you face to face again. If you find these messages when you are an adult, please reach out and try to find me. Your Pawpaw loves you. There's nothing I want more than to see you and Bryson again.

You are loved, Connor. I will always love you.


Thursday, April 27, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 72 - Tricked By The Ladies Church group

PAWPAW'S  MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 72 - Tricked By The Church Ladies 

Pawpaw loves Connor!

Pawpaw loves Bryson!

Pawpaw loves Archer!

I was a minister on staff at a Florida church. A retired senior Ladies Group asked me to bus them to another city and back. They suggested that I pack a swimsuit and towel so I could enjoy the nearby beach while they were at their meeting. As I dropped them off, they giggled as they told me to enjoy my time at the beach. As it turns out, the beach nearest the church they were visiting is a nude beach. At church on Sunday, one of them made a special announcement in front of the whole congregation thanking me for driving them. She looked at me and said they hoped I enjoyed my beach time. They thought they were sending to the nude beach as a surprise. What they didn't know is that I went there regularly. I let them think they had pulled a prank on me.


I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. I spent at least a week every month with you until your parents ended our relationship. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you in 2020. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again.

I would never leave you, my loves.


Wednesday, April 12, 2023




Dear Connor and Dear Bryson,

  Some of the happiest moments of each day were the moments when my phone would ring. You two would phone me at least once a day just to talk. One day, you even called me twelve times. I loved it.

  Sometimes you guys would sneak your Mom's phone without her knowing and call me. I would laugh out loud as I'd hear your Mom chasing you around the house trying to get her phone back. 


Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you in 2020. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again.

I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. I spent at least a week every month with you until your parents ended our relationship.

I would never leave you, my loves.


Pawpaw loves Connor!

Pawpaw loves Bryson!

Pawpaw loves Archer!

Friday, March 24, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 70 - The Sacred Band of Thebes


Pawpaw loves Connor, Bryson and Archer!

I miss you guys so much. I hope you find these messages some day. I want you to know that I love you. I never left you. I was no longer allowed to visit you. I hope these messages help you know your Pawpaw and your family better. All my love forever, Pawpaw


I have been thinking about writing an ode about The Sacred Band. Prior to Christianity, in the Greek era, the Greeks were divided by city states. They united against foes but fought between themselves often too.
Everyone knows of the mighty Spartan warriors who have always been referred to as the mightiest of Greek warriors. You may have seen the movie THE 300.
It has finally been confirmed that the city state of Thebes had a world renowned army called The Sacred Band of Thebes. It was an elite special forces unit of 150 gay couples! In this era, homosexuality and bisexuality were as normal as heterosexuality.
The Sacred Band of Thebes faced off against the invading Spartans and the gays kicked their asses and sent them retreating back to Sparta. Later Phillip of Macedonia (Alexander the Great's father) invaded with an army or tens of thousands. The Sacred Band was outnumbered and slaughtered BUT Phillip remarked that they were the bravest fighters he had ever encountered and he built a monument to them (his enemies) to show his respect. He even had them buried with their armor and weapons. This was unheard of. Weapons were always taken. He even had them buried with their lovers, side by side and sometimes holding hands.
Why don't we know about this? Because Muslims and Christians had the monument torn down and buried because it promoted homosexuality. Later, archaeologists literally erased written records of The Sacred Band or skipped over them in history records.
Luckily, an archaeologist with integrity found the burial site and the monument. he photographed the lovers buried with their weapons holding hands in addition to often-hidden written historical documents verified the truth of The Sacred Band.

So, I want to write The Ode of the Sacred Band.


Another reason this is important to me is because Pawpaw has many friends who were drafted into the US military and served heroically. Like me, they were gay. Some were bisexual. Because of bigoted laws at the time, they would have been prosecuted, jailed or worse if anyone discovered their sexuality. Some of the bravest men I know in the military were the gay and bisexuals who served.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 69 - Highway Gas Tank Puncture


Pawpaw loves Connor, Bryson and Archer!

I miss you guys so much. I hope you find these messages some day. I want you to know that I love you. I never left you. I was no longer allowed to visit you. I hope these messages help you know your Pawpaw and your family better. All my love forever, Pawpaw

Highway Gas Tank Puncture

   In Ohio, we could get our driver’s licenses at age sixteen. I was born on January 12 and my best friend Scott was born on June 12.  We both earned our driver’s licenses in 1979. Scott and I both loved playing tennis and watching professional tennis. Scott’s awesome Dad agreed to let Scott borrow his car so that Scott could drive the two of us three hours south to Columbus, Ohio to attend a professional tennis tournament. This was a big deal!

   We were having a fantastic time driving down the highway and feeling like adults. Suddenly the car in front of us swerved violently. Before we could do anything, Scott and I both saw an entire car exhaust system skidding down the highway toward Scott’s Dad’s car. Scott did a good job of controlling the car as the junk exhaust system went under the car. There was a lot of loud grinding and banging noises before it came out the back end of the car.

   I smelled something odd. Scott looked over at me at the same time that I looked over at him. We both smelled gasoline. Scott looked at the instrument panel and said, “Look at the gas gauge!” I looked over and saw the needle on the gas gauge rapidly dropping from nearly full toward empty.

   Even though there was a lot of traffic on the highway, Scott was able to coast the car off to the berm. We both got out of the car and walked quickly to the back of the car where the last of the gasoline was pouring out onto the hot asphalt. We both crawled under the car. We found a hole in the gas tank that was as big as a baseball. The exhaust pipe we had hit had poked a huge hole in the full gas tank.

   Back in 1979, cell phones had not been invented. We were far from home in a disabled car. Scott and I saw a farmhouse across the highway and across a field. We walked to it and asked if Scott could call his Dad about the broken car. About two hours later, Scott’s Dad arrived. He had called a tow truck too. The tow truck towed the car to a nearby garage where the mechanics began to search for a gas tank to install. Scott’s awesome Dad paid for everything. The mechanic said that he was shocked that the gas tank hadn’t exploded when the exhaust had smashed through it.

   After most of the day at the garage, the car was repaired. We expected Scott’s Dad to tell us to follow him home but he didn’t. He said that he was sorry that we had missed all the fun at our tennis tournament and told us to go ahead and catch the final few hours of the tournament. He wasn’t angry about the crash at all. He said that he was just happy that neither of us had been hurt.

   We were two very lucky sixteen year olds. Scott had managed to control the car at highway speed as we were hit by a huge piece of metal. The gas had not ignited when the exhaust had slammed through the gas tank. And Scott’s Dad was just what both all needed. He was kind and helpful and showed us how to be a good father.


 Pawpaw loves and always will love Connor, Bryson and Archer. YOU MATTERED is my song about honoring loved ones who have passed from this li...