Monday, August 23, 2021





My Grandfather Robert Dale McWilliams, my grandmother Virginia Margaret McWilliams and my mother Sherill May McWilliams Skelley all came from a small town, farming community of Barnesville, Ohio. They uses different words than I learned in school. As a boy, I was embarassed by their country talk. As an adult, I learned that their dialect had a very historic background.


They didn't say "umbrella." They said "bumbershoot." No one else I knew ever said bumbershoot. Later I learned that bumbershoot was another name for umbrella used mainly in the late 1800's.


Grandma and Grandpa never said "sofa." They always said "davenport." I din't know anyone but them that called a sofa a davenport. Later, I learned that davenport is a synonym for sofa, especially in the Midwestern United States, in New York state, in the Adirondack Region especially amongst those born before World War II.


Grandpa, Grandpa and Mom never said "wash." They always added an r to make it sound like "warsh." They'd say, "We need to warsh the dishes."


I didn't know that they had been taught what is called Midland English where an r is added to many words. This branch of the English language originated from Scot, Irish and Welsh immigrants to the USA who settled in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.


I shouldn't have been embarassed by my family's unique pronunciations. Their language was not the language of country bumpkins. It was the language of proud Scots, Irish and Welsh who came to the New World!


Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Abraham McWilliams was born in Scotland in 1720. He relocated to Pennsylvania. His son Samuel fought for independence from England in the Revolutionary War. He served in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania Militia.


I love you, Connor, Bryson and Archer,



Sunday, August 22, 2021





Connor – Pawpaw loves you!

Bryson – Pawpaw loves you!

Archer – Pawpaw loves you!


The last time that your Mom and Dad allowed me to visit, Connor was 8. Bryson was almost 6. Archer, you hadn’t been born yet. I had no idea that I would not be allowed to see you again.


Do you remember that I am a musician and songwriter? One of my songs is called “Christmas Love.” When I would visit, you would ask me to play it in the car over and over again. The youtube music video has photos of you two in it. 


I’ve always loved music. My Mom played music in our home all the time and we all sang along to the songs on the radio in the car. When I was a teenager, I taught myself to play guitar and began writing songs within months. Eventually, some of my songs began being played on the radio. Your Mom and I would scream when we’d hear my songs come on the radio. We were so happy.


I wrote Christmas Love about a Christmas Eve party my family had when I was a young teenager. Grandpa and Grandma, Mom and Dad, Aunts and Uncles and cousins all gathered together at my Aunt’s home. It was a wonderful celebration filled with family love on a cold, Ohio night in front of the fireplace with a roaring fire.


We had no idea that Grandpa McWilliams would pass away on Christmas morning. The only good thing is that we all have wonderful memories of our last night with him.


Here’s my song.



By Steven Skelley


Christmas memories take me to a special place

Gram and Grampa sitting by the fireplace

Happy family smiles on every face

Everyone filled with Christmas love


Christmas love from above

Please fill us up Christmas love

Like years before open the door

Fill us up once more Christmas love


Children praying for a morning snow

Couples kissing ‘neath the mistletoe

Happy music playing on the radio

Everyone filled with Christmas love


Christmas love from above

Please fill us up Christmas love

Like years before open the door

Fill us up once more Christmas love


Lost loved ones will never be replaced

I remember every single face

Christmas memories take me to a special place

Everyone filled with Christmas love


Christmas love from above

Please fill us up Christmas love

Like years before open the door

Fill us up once more Christmas love

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 2 - The last time I saw you





Connor, Bryson and Archer,



Pawpaw loves you and misses you. These messages will spend a little time explaining why I disappeared from your childhood. Then, I want to share who your Pawpaw is and things about the history of your ancestors. Since I am not allowed to see you, I hope that some day you’ll find these messages when you are adults.


As I said previously, from the days you were born, I spent usually a week every month with you. When I visited or you visited me, Connor and Bryson, you always begged your Mom and Dad to sleep with me. We either all slept in the same bed together or on the floor together. Before you were old enough for school, I held you in my arms and you napped on my chest. Bryson, when Connor went to school, we would play on the trampoline (you called it jump-jump) in your back yard. Then you’d get your blankie and we lie down on the trampoline and take a nap together.


Your Mom and I always had a fabulous relationship. People often commented that they had never seen a father and daughter that were so close or who enjoyed being together more than we did. I loved and respected your Dad too.


In 2016, they fell under the spell of a career con man running for President named Trump. They even flew a six foot long flag in their front yard with his name on it. They often shared messages supporting him. I often shared messages against his policies and business dealings. When he lost the 2020 election, I was told that my support of his opponent seemed offensive to your parents.


Your Mom and Dad had joined and were attending a church that had no affiliation or oversight. The minister was an ex-cop with no training or education as a minister. His preaching was mostly political. If he used the Bible, it was only out of context to support his political beliefs. He even supported the January 2020 insurrection where hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the US Capital Building. Several law enforcement officers died. I was concerned about the influence this “minister” had on your parents.


The year 2020 was also the year of the international COVID19 Pandemic. Over 600,000 Americans died. Millions around the world died. I have chronic asthma and other medical issues. My doctors advised me to isolate at home until a vaccine was invented. Your parents and their minister did not believe the pandemic was dangerous. Their motto was Faith Over Fear. When people were advised to wear face coverings as protection, your minister called them Face Diapers.


When I was medically allowed to travel to see you after my vaccination, I was not invited. After asking multiple times, I was allowed to visit for two days in early August 2020. When I stood in your doorway, Connor and Bryson, you ran to me, wrapped your arms around me and yelled, “Pawpaw! Pawpaw!”


We had a wonderful time together but things with your parents were different. You were no longer allowed in my bedroom. You were no longer allowed to sleep with Pawpaw.


We played in the toy room and snuggled together on the big bean bag chair. Bryson said, “Pawpaw. I miss you.” Connor said, “Pawpaw, please don’t stay away so long next time.” I replied that I will visit again as soon as you Mommy and Daddy allow me to.


That was the last time I saw you.


I love you,



PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 1 - Pawpaw is proud of you.





Connor, Pawpaw loves you.

Bryson, Pawpaw loves you.

Archer, Pawpaw loves you.

Connor, Bryson and Archer,


It has been more than a year since I was last allowed to see you. Even so, I think about you every single day. I have never stopped loving you.


Connor and Bryson, I was with you on the days you were born. I held you in my arms, kissed your faces and felt love fill my heart as your little fingers wrapped around one of mine. For the eight years from Connor’s birth, I visited you every month for four to seven days. Your Mom and Dad left me alone with you so they could spend time alone. They allowed me to take you two away on Pawpaw Vacations.


Once, I rented a home in a gated community. The three of us swam in the community pool, played games together, watched movies and slept together in the same bed – one of you on each side of me.


Another time, I rented a condo at Fishermen’s Village above the stores and restaurants. It had a huge balcony looking over the harbor. If we went to one end, we could watch the musicians and singers performing for one of the outside restaurants. We enjoyed the swimming pool too. We loved being together. We played, laughed and snuggled.


Sometimes your parents would go away and have me stay at your home with you. I loved every moment with my two little buddy-pals.


Archer, I wish I had more memories of you. I was only allowed to see you once. You were about five months old and your parents let me visit for an hour and a half. I held you in my arms, kissed your face and you smiled at me.


By the time you guys find these messages, you will probably be men. It is currently 2021 and you three are nine, six and one. If you are anything now like you were as children, you are tall, handsome, athletic, loving and intelligent. Pawpaw is proud of you.


I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. I spent at least a week every month with you until your parents ended our relationship.


I would never leave you, my loves.




 Pawpaw loves and always will love Connor, Bryson and Archer. YOU MATTERED is my song about honoring loved ones who have passed from this li...