Sunday, November 19, 2023


 Hi guys, Pawpaw loves you!

   It has been difficult for me to write to you lately. I miss you so much that it's painful to think about you and to wonder what you are doing. I I texted your Mom and Dad but they didn't reply again.

  Do you have any memories of Frank? Connor and Bryson, you named a gopher tortoise Frank. He was on the vacant lot beside your house that I loaned your parents the money to buy. You named him after one of my best friends named Frank. Frank and his spouse Curt were my best friends. They loved you guys. You swam in their swimming pool when you visited me and Tom. Your Mom did too. They lived in a huge 6 bedroom mansion on a nature preserve. Curt and Frank bought you guys birthday and Christmas gifts every year.

   Frank was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. He battled it courageously but he passed away on October 17, 2023. Curt and I had been with him every day while he was in Intensive Care. We were there for 12 hours on Frank's final day until he passed on. I texted your Mom and Dad because they used to appreciate Frank too. He and Curt gave your family the beautiful green sofa you had until the hurricane damaged your home. Tom and I have bought you guys the love seat and two recliners.

   Anyway, this fabulous, loving family friend passed away. I was emotionally devastated. Then, I had promised Frank that I would take care of his spouse Curt. Curt stayed in our guest room for 8 days before returning home. He is still broken hearted. Then, when I thought of how much I missed you guys, it was very hard to cope.

   I don't know how I will handle Thanksgiving and Christmas again without you. I spent every holiday with your Mom since 1984. Then I spent every wonderful holiday with you guys since 2012. It is hard without you. Tom and I still put up our 1300 Santa Claus decorations and host holiday parties but without you guys, it isn't the same.

   As a minister, I was asked to officiate Frank's funeral. Here's what I shared that day.

Frank Peter Ioele went to his heavenly reward on October 17, 2023 after a courageous two year battle with cancer.

Frank was born in New York to proud parents Anna and Vincent (known to friends and family as Jim) Ioele. Frank is survived by the love of his life and partner of thirty years Curtis Solash, his siblings Joseph Ioele and Camille Cicero, five nephews and nieces including Lisa who is with us today, and a son-in-love Richard Solash whom he helped his partner Curtis Solash raise from childhood.

Frank taught hundreds of students in New York City Schools for thirty years. I hope that you take a moment or two and watch Frank's slideshow of photos. There is a wonderful picture of Frank with his students. His face is just beaming with love and joy. It will warm your heart to see Frank in his element.

Frank was a lifelong opera lover who never missed the New York Metropolitan Opera broadcast on Saturdays. He collected over three thousand early music recordings, opera memorabilia, Titanic memorabilia and World's Fair memorabilia. Frank and Curtis created a beautiful home together that should be the envy of many a museum.

Frank gave faithfully and generously to children's charities and financially adopted underprivileged children through children's charities. Those here of the Christian faith will remember a lesson Jesus taught about how God speaks to people like Frank Ioele when they pass from this life to the next. It goes something like this:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was imprisoned and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of your brothers and sisters on earth, you did for me. Come, take your place the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.

Frank was not a spiritual man only in name. Frank was not a Roman Catholic only in name. Frank was not a Christian only in name. He lived his beliefs. He searched the world for children in need and he adopted them and cared for them.

Frank was an animal lover who donated monthly to animal charities. The Hebrew Book of Proverbs says, “The righteous care for the needs of animals, but the wicked are cruel to them.” Kindness to animals is godly. In fact, caring for them is part of our purpose. Frank and Curtis's home sits at the shore of a lagoon and at the edge of a wildlife preserve. A wildlife trail literally runs through their yard. Frank loved sitting with Curt and exclaiming, "Look! A bobcat!" Or a "Look a deer!" Or "Look an otter!" as these wild animals felt safe enough to pass by these two animals lovers. I hope you've had a chance to see the photo here of Frank hugging a dolphin. THAT is the Frank Ioele that I will always keep in my heart. His love shines brightly from that twinkle in his eyes and that beaming, joyous smile.

Frank was a lifelong Roman Catholic and a member of St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church in Viera, Florida where he taught Sunday School for many years. Frank WAS a lifelong Roman Catholic but he befriended and loved people of all spiritual paths. Frank's beloved spouse Curtis was raised in the Hebrew faith. My husband and I spent almost every birthday and holiday with Curtis and Frank. We vacationed together. We sailed the oceans together. We climbed Mayan temples together. Frank and I were best friends and I am an ordained Baptist minister. My husband was a Unity Church Board member. Some of Frank's friends were raised Methodist and Pentecostal and other beliefs.

Let me remind you again about how God speaks to people like Frank Ioele when they pass from this life to the next:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was imprisoned and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of your brothers and sisters on earth, you did for me.

You see, this is important, Frank believed it where the Bible says, "In God's house there are many rooms." Another translation says "In God's house there is room to spare." The year 1611 English translation says "In God's house there are many mansions." My favorite translation is "In God's house there is room for everyone."

Roman Catholic or Hebrew or Baptist or Unity Church or Methodist or Pentecostal. Frank believed that "In God's house there is room for everyone." He not only believed it, he lived it.

I ask you now to please take a look at the framed photo here of a child rising up out of a wheelchair. This is important. In 1988, little Matthew Stanford Robison was born. He was afflicted with cerebral palsey. Doctors told Matthew's Mom and Dad that Matthew would never live past the age of two and the life he did live, would be spent in a wheelchair. Matthew lived to two, then three, then four, five, six and all the way to ten. At the age of ten, he transitioned from this life to the next. Matthew and his parents believed as Frank and I do, that we are created in the image of God. God is a spirit. We are spiritual beings - temporarily inside a body of flesh and bone while here on planet earth.

Matthew's parents wanted a tombstone that would remind us of what happened when little Matthew's body stopped working. Matthew's Spirit was released from the broken body that it had always been trapped in. The real Matthew, the spiritual Matthew was able to leap free - full of joy and perfect health - to rise and go to a place where there are never any tears, never any pain ever again.

Our dear Frank Peter Ioele courageously battled cancer and the effects of chemotherapy for two years. We all saw this powerful, six foot two big man's body shrink week by week. Curtis phoned me on Monday, October 16 and asked me to meet him at the hospital right away. For the next twelve hours, Curt sat on Frank's right and I sat on Frank's left. A Roman Catholic priest visited Frank and administered Last rites according to Frank’s faith.

Curt held one of Frank's hands and I held the other. We told Frank what an amazing man he was. We told Frank that he was loved. We caressed his hands and his head. We kissed his hands, his head, his cheeks. We whispered words of love in his ears.

Early Tuesday morning, the earthly body of Frank Peter Ioele stopped working. Once more, I ask you to take a look at the framed photo of little Matthew Stanford Robison - because that is exactly what happened to our beloved Frank Peter Ioele.

At the very moment Frank’s body stopped working, Frank's Spirit was released from the broken body that it had been trapped in for two years. The real Frank, the spiritual Frank was able to leap free - full of joy and perfect health - to rise and go to a place where there are never any tears, never any pain ever again.

Frank Ioele's loving heart, welcoming manner and heart-warming smile will be missed by all whose lives he touched. Frank believed it where the Bible says, "In God's house there is room for everyone." So we can be grateful that this is not goodbye. It's just another see you later, dear Frank.

See You Later
by Steven Skelley
Sometimes I would cry
When we said goodbye
Then Grandma would wisely smile
She would hug me tight
Squeeze with all her might
And say, it’s only for a while
We will never really part
I'll always be in your heart
Feel my love and stand a little straighter
Even if you cry
This is not goodbye
It's just another see you later
One Christmas day
Grandpa slipped away
To someplace on heaven's shore
That Christmas brought no joy
Through Christmas songs or toys
But Grandma reminded us once more
We will never really part
He will always be in your heart
Feel his love and stand a little straighter
Even if you cry
This is not goodbye
It's just another see you later
Grandma lived 80 years
Days of joy, days of tears
Facing each day with a smile
On her very last day
We kissed her peaceful face
And cried for a little while
We will never really part
She'll always be in our heart
Feel her love and stand a little straighter
Even if you cry
This is not goodbye
It's just another see you later
copyright 2019 Steven Skelley

May you be held by the God of compassion as you remember your loved one today.

May God be with you in your sorrow and comfort you in your loss.

May your God, your family and your friends, give you strength.

May your spirit be lifted, may your heart be filled with peace, and may the light of God’s promises fill you hope.

I create these Messages To My Grandsons because I want you to know your Pawpaw as you did when you were little children. I want you to know that I did not abandon you. Always know that Pawpaw didn't leave you. I was banned from seeing you. I hope you find these messages when you are a grown man. If I'm still alive, I would love to see you again. I would never leave you, my loves, Pawpaw



 Pawpaw loves and always will love Connor, Bryson and Archer. YOU MATTERED is my song about honoring loved ones who have passed from this li...