Wednesday, June 7, 2023

PAWPAW'S MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 73 - Happy 11th Birthday Connor!

PAWPAW'S  MESSAGES TO MY GRANDSONS 73 - Happy 11th Birthday Connor!

To my beloved grandson Connor Rudolph. Today is your eleventh birthday. Happy Birthday my sweet buddy-pal. I wish I was there to give you and big hug and a kiss. Of course, I'd have some wonderful gifts for you too. I delight in buying you whatever your heart desires.

It breaks my heart that I'm not allowed to see you or talk with you. Please know that I did not leave or abandon you. When your parents joined that church in Englewood, everything changed. They disowned me and my husband Tom. They disowned all of our mutual friends and even our family members. We are all heartbroken to have lost you all. I am heartbroken. I texted your Mom to ask if I could send gifts this year but she refused to answer me again. It's been three years since I have held you in my arms, since we have played together on the trampoline, since we have played games and toys together.

I've been thinking about you for days as your birthday drew nearer. When you were allowed and were younger, you would call me on the phone. Sometimes you called 10 times a day. I loved talking with you. I have some phone messages that you left me on voicemail. I recorded them and listen to them just top hear your voice.

I hope I live long enough to see you face to face again. If you find these messages when you are an adult, please reach out and try to find me. Your Pawpaw loves you. There's nothing I want more than to see you and Bryson again.

You are loved, Connor. I will always love you.



 Pawpaw loves and always will love Connor, Bryson and Archer. YOU MATTERED is my song about honoring loved ones who have passed from this li...